Saturday, December 27, 2008

tutpup - play, compete, learn

tutpup is a great site for practising your Maths skills. You can even play against other players from around the world! If you join the site (ask your parents first) you can keep a record of your progress.
You can choose your own level of difficulty from Easy Peasy to the very difficult Area 51.

So if you want a little fun when practising your Maths give the site a try. You can even practise Spelling skills!

If you do want to join you will be asked to provide a class code. Our class code is 4ccanterbury.

Another site to try is teachingideas which has a lot of resources, games, activities and printouts to help you with your Maths. It also has links to other subjects - Literacy, Science, Art, Geography, History, ICT and Music.


Anonymous said...

i liked a lot tutpup but in my computer tutpup says wait 5 min. but i waited until the next day and it still not appear

bad noteces


Anonymous said...

perI do not have the litle sheet that you gave us on friday were we had to put speach marks,capitol letters ... So I could not do it.
