Saturday, December 27, 2008

tutpup - play, compete, learn

tutpup is a great site for practising your Maths skills. You can even play against other players from around the world! If you join the site (ask your parents first) you can keep a record of your progress.
You can choose your own level of difficulty from Easy Peasy to the very difficult Area 51.

So if you want a little fun when practising your Maths give the site a try. You can even practise Spelling skills!

If you do want to join you will be asked to provide a class code. Our class code is 4ccanterbury.

Another site to try is teachingideas which has a lot of resources, games, activities and printouts to help you with your Maths. It also has links to other subjects - Literacy, Science, Art, Geography, History, ICT and Music.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Boxing Day

Merry Christmas once again. I hope you all enjoyed Christmas day. I certainly did. I was with my family and we had a lovely dinner and gave each other presents and had a great time.
Today is Boxing Day, also known as Saint Stephen's Day.

So where did the name Boxing Day come from.?
Choose which answer you think is correct and post your answer in the comments. I will let you know who gets the answer right.

Why is today also known as Boxing Day?

a) It is a day when we collect all the empty present boxes and put them in the bin.
b) It is a day we make boxes.
c) It is a day when we go to watch a boxing match.
d) It was a day when people would open the Christmas Box which was used to collect money for the poor. The money would then be given to the poor.

If you need help you can always check this site for a clue.

Happy Boxing Day.

Well done Maria H on working it out :) I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Merry Christmas Everybody

Have a wonderful holiday. See you in 2009!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Canterbury School Christmas Shows.

Fantastic! What a week we have had. Three different Christmas shows and each was the best Christmas show ever! The Infant show was spectacular especially the soloists. They were very brave singing in front of a packed theatre. The 1º and 2º grade children were wonderful with their singing and dancing and finally today we had the 3º, 4º and 5º grades who performed so well that many of the parents didn't want to leave.

So, Fantastic work everyone and a special well done to 4C who created their own dance thanks to Donina, Natalia, Maria H great ideas.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Math Cats

This is a fantastic site for math activities which you can do over the Christmas Holidays.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Get well soon Maria and Laura

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Christmas Show

The Christmas show is fast approaching and we are busy rehearsing in the theatre. So to help you out, here are some of the songs we will be performing. Grab a brush and start singing like a pop star in your bedroom :)

Dance version of 'En Navidad'

And our own song, 'Frosty the Snowman'

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Get well soon Cristina.

We hope you feel better soon Cristina. We are all missing you.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Get well soon Nestor

We all hope you come back to school on Monday Nestor. It will be 'Christmassy' in the classroom.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Make a snowflake

Make your own snowflake by following this guide

Get well soon Carlos

We hope you get better soon Carlos, we are missing you in the class.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Arguments and debates

We have recently been studying the language of persuasion by looking at advertisements in class. We also designed our own brochures for an imaginary Roman Museum.

And then we wrote a persuasive letter to Santa and that produced some very funny but persuasive arguments why we should get more presents this year.

But today was a thriller as we had our very first class debate between Maria H and Raul. The debate was titled 'Basketball is the best sport in the world' and Maria argued against whilst Raul argued for. They had 1 minute each to argue their points in front of the class who listened to every word and also watched the timer carefully! At the end of their minutes the class voted for the one who delivered the best argument and was in their opinion the most persuasive.

So well done Maria in winning the first 4C class debate.

Google Earth - Maps and Mapping

This half term we are studying Maps and Mapping in Geography. Maps are used to find out where we are on the earth and mapping is a skill we learn to draw maps.
For many years maps and an atlas have been the only things we could use to find out where we were on Earth or where we wanted to go.
Over the last couple of years however, Google were busy creating 'Google Earth' and if you install this on your home computer you can use it to do all sorts of amazing things. We are using it in class along with our maps and atlas books to learn about Maps and Mapping and it is very useful indeed.

Google Earth is not just a map of the Earth but a visual map as it has street level views, photos of monuments and buildings and even a flight simulator mode. So ask your parents if you can install it on your home computer and then try to find these places using it.
Pyramids at Giza
Eiffel Tower
Leaning Tower of Piza
Loch Ness
Big Ben
Our school

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Our Christmas song

Friday, November 14, 2008

Well done 4C

Well done 4C. You did it! You said you were nervous but you performed so well that everyone enjoyed the assembly. All the mums, dads, friends, children at school and teachers congratulated you on a fantastic and entertaining assembly. And I want to say you did a brilliant job and I am so proud of you all. Excellent work 4C :)

Something for the weekend

Big Buck Bunny from Blender Foundation on Vimeo.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Rome Reborn

Assembly teaser ;)

Monday, November 10, 2008

Volvo Ocean Race Game

It's been 30 days since we set sail on our virtual voyage around the world and a lot has happened in the race. Our boat 'four sea' set sail in fine winds but then got jammed in by lots of other boats as we all tried to sail through the straights of Gibraltar. Once on the open sea however we made up lots of time and gained lots of places in the rankings. 

But disaster struck. 

During our half term break no one could keep an eye on our boat's heading and when we arrived back in school we discovered that we had wrecked our boat off the Venezuelan coast! Thankfully this is a virtual game so all we had to do was point ourselves in the right direction and set sail again. We have lost a lot of places but we are still sailing and have just gained over 100 places today due to the very strong South Atlantic winds.

Keep checking back to see how we fair in this amazing virtual race.

Our class assembly

It's that time of year when our class has a chance to shine on stage and dazzle the audience with their acting skills. Yes, it's our turn for the class assembly this Friday 14th November at a little after half past two.
So make sure you tell your mum, dad, granny, grandad, uncle, aunty, cousins, friends and let everyone know that 4C's class assembly will have them 'roman' around through history ;)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

4º visit to Osorio

Yesterday the whole of 4º visited Osorio for the day. It was a wonderful day as the weather was in our favour and it only rained very lightly for a couple of minutes.
Osorio is a beautiful nature park in the
mountains between Teror and Arucas.
It is filled with trees and plants, open fields, walks, caves, trails into woods and there is also a farm with many types of farm animals.
We had a very enjoyable day out as we ate our lunch there surrounded by trees and birds singing.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happy Halloween :)

Have a lovely holiday 4C and have a great time over the next few days. See you all on Monday 3rd November :)

Mean Median Mode

We have been looking at finding the Mean, Median and Mode of a set of numbers this week in our Numeracy lessons. It isn't difficult to do but it can be a little confusing so use the activity from the BBC or this activity to help you remember.

Mean Median Mode

Monday, October 27, 2008

Get well soon Miguel

Hope you feel better soon Miguel from everyone in 4C.

Friday, October 24, 2008


We have been learning all about Fractions at school this week and even though some of us have found it difficult we never gave up. So well done everyone and to help you over the weekend you can use this site to help you practice everything we have learned.

I recommend the Fractions Bingo game. It's great fun. If the game doesn't open find out where it's downloaded on your computer then open it by using internet explorer or Firefox.

Have a great weekend and see you on Monday.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

We are going to be Romans.

We are busy making Roman armor and helmets in our class so that we can transform ourselves into Romans and march around the school. Here are some photos of our work so far.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Día de los Difuntos

Día de los Difuntos or Day of the deceased is a day which people in the Canary islands, and in fact in many places of the world including my own country Ireland, celebrate. It is celebrated on 2nd November here in the Canary Islands.

It is a day when we remember those who have died and we think about them. It is not a day for sadness but for happiness; when we can remember all the good things about those friends and family who are no longer with us. We remember the good times, the joy, the laughter and the fun we had together and this brings us a happiness and a togetherness we will always have.

Halloween is based on a festival held in Ireland by the Celts thousands of years ago; the ancient Celts remembered their family and friends at this time, and wished them and each other happiness. It was called 'Samhain'. (pronounced sam ween)

So remember at Halloween when you are dressing up and going for tricks or treats, it is also an important time of the year for many people in the world to remember about their family and friends who have passed away.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Scary Movie starring 4C

Halloween Fun Day - 29th October

Designed by Miguel

We have been designing our 'Halloween Fun Day' posters at school and these are just a selection for you to look at. I think you will agree that they are very well designed. Well done everyone.

Designed by Stella

Designed by Fernando                   Designed by Alice

Designed by Christopher

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Preparing for Halloween

The 31st October is Halloween and 4C are getting ready to have a Halloween Fun day. 

We are writing instructions for Halloween activities and making posters to put up around the school. We might even dress up in Halloween costumes and have a party in class. We are going to decorate our classroom with spooks, ghosts, witches, spiders, skeletons and pumpkins. We will be writing Halloween poems and singing spooky songs. And we are recording our own scary noises for you to listen to on our blog.

Find out everything about Halloween on this site and you can also try carving your own pumkin

Monday, October 13, 2008

Feel better soon Carlos T

Carlos sent a comment to say he wasn't feeling well. So from all of us in 4C and myself we hope you feel better soon.

Round the world yacht race

4C have entered a 'Round the world yacht race'! Well, it's a virtual race which means it's a simulation but it's still very exciting and we are racing against other competitors from all over the world and against REAL yachts that are sailing in the actual round the world race! The race lasts 9 months and is over 37,000 miles of sailing so keep checking back to see how we get on. 

Ainhoa's dad told us about the race and said we should enter the competition. It's a good way to learn about sailing without going into the water  :) Ainhoa is also a very good sailor and she is helping us with the race giving us advice about what sails to use and what to do when the wind changes direction.

The simulation also helps us with Geography as we can learn about the countries we pass and the seas we sail on. We will sail around the world in this virtual race.

If you want to join in and sail your own virtual yacht then visit the Ocean Race Game. You need to provide an email address so check with your parents first. You can find a direct link to register here.

Sails away Captain. We should finish sometime at the end of February 2009!

You can watch a video of the start of the real race here

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Painting Competition

Your very own teacher Mr Kevin entered the yearly painting competition in Mesa y Lopez today and painted this using oil paints. Do you recognise where it is?  

There were over 100 entrants for the competition and the standard of work was very high. And I saw a few people from school - Christopher, his brother Alejandro and their Dad; Ainhoa, her brother and Dad and children from the secondary school.

I never won a prize but I had an excellent day out and enjoyed the atmosphere in Mesa y Lopez.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Something for the weekend

It's almost the weekend everyone and that means 2 days without school!!! :)

So, if you are a little bored try out this fun little 'Odd one out' game. It's very cute and even the boys in my class like it.

Have a great weekend everyone and I'll see you back at school on Monday.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

I am who I am because of everyone

We were inspired by Mr Tom's class to make the following video. We hope you like it.

Stop Look Listen Think - Crossing the road

We are looking at writing instructions in class and we are writing safety instructions on how to cross the road. On spanish TV there are no 'childrens shows' teaching us how to cross the road so we are making posters to show children how to cross the road. 
Report written by Alice

We looked at the Hedgehog campaign on the hedgehogs website and got lots of ideas for our own posters. 

Stop   Look  Listen   Live

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Get well soon Ainhoa

We all hope Ainhoa gets well very soon as she isn't feeling well. We miss you Ainhoa.

Following Instructions

Instructions. They are everywhere. From recipes in cookery books to the new remote for the television. But how often do we follow them? 

How many times have you seen your dad not read the instructions for assembling new furniture from IKEA? How many times have you bought a new game but then asked your mum how to play it?

Instructions are there to help us understand something we don't know how to use or how to do. They are sometimes easy to follow and othertimes they are too complicated.

Don't worry if you got the instructions wrong for that, most people do. 

All this week we have been following instructions and have been writing our own. Be sure to check back soon to read some of our own instructions.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Mr Tom says hello

Wonderful news everyone. Mr Tom has said hello in a comment on our blog :) 

He wants us to keep in touch and very soon I think we can set up an email exchange with his class in Sheringdale

Here's what he said. 

What a brilliant animation, and what a great class blog! My class in London have seen it and think it's really cool!

We'll have to work out how our classes can write to each other over the www...mine to practise their Spanish, yours to practise their English! Any ideas - school email?

I'll link this to our blog very soon. Keep in touch, best wishes to everyone at Canterbury : )

Mr Tom

It was brilliant to hear from you Mr T :)

4C Roman Soldiers

Just when you thought it was safe to go outside the Roman Army has returned! 4C have become Roman soldiers.

Michael Morpurgo

We have been studying the work of the author Michael Morpurgo. He has written many books and won many awards. His work includes 'Kensuke's Kingdom', 'The Amazing story of Adolphus Tips' and 'The Butterfly Lion'.

He writes many of his books using the first person and after reading some of his work we decided to also write our own stories in the first person style.

We used a survival story theme and chose our own settings for our stories; vocanoes, desert islands, cities, deserts and mountains were very popular settings.

This is Enrique's story of survival.